Welcome to the ASI Spelmanslag!
The ASI Spelmanslag is the fiddling group of the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis, Minnesota. We play the traditional folk music of Sweden, primarily from the region of Dalarna. Our repertoire includes traditional dance tunes such as waltzes, schottisches, and polskas.
Spelmanslag: “spel” means to play (usually in the context of playing a musical instrument); “man” means a man, men, person, or people; “lag” means a team or group. A “spelman” is a musician; a “spelmanslag” is a musical group.
New members are always welcome, from age 15 on up for our adult lag, and ages 8-18 for our youth lilla lag, at all skill levels of violin playing. Participants should have a basic command of the instrument, past Suzuki book one or its equivalent.The adult lag practices select Thursday evenings, September through June, from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the American Swedish Institute (map). The lilla lag practices 2-3 times per month on Sundays from 1:00 to 2:30 PM. We play by ear and learn by ear at rehearsal. Recording rehearsal tunes for practice at home is encouraged. Many of our tunes are also available on our song catalog at the bottom of our website music tab.
Annual membership is $40 adult lag ($20 lilla lag), but visitors are welcome to attend rehearsals. All you need is a desire to learn and share this wonderful folk music with others. Come join us!
Book us for your event!
Weddings, funerals, parties, dances or concerts: we’d love to provide you and your guests with the joy and warmth of Swedish folk music. Choose from between 2 - 25 fiddlers and either adults or youth. Call or email Suzanne at (651) 633-1607 or swedishsuzie@gmail.com to request a quote.